Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Congratulations Graduates

It is the end of May already and graduation season is here. In the past three of years I've been honored to be the provider of the cake for many different celebrations. Some of the celebrations were for students from multiple schools, while others had multiple cakes for a single graduation open house. 

The cakes shown above and below were made for the same person. When asked what her favorite flower was she said that she liked lilies. Her cakes were decorated with her school colors and royal icing lilies. Congratulations Jodie! 

 The above cake is a 9 inch cake and was made for a small family gathering. The family had graduates at both Hamilton High School and Zeeland East High School. This cake features both school logos. 
 The above cake and the next two below cakes were made for a graduation open house for a young lady graduating from Holland Christian and going on to Calvin College. The second cake featured her school logo. The third cake featured a graduation cap made of chocolate. 
Congratulations Lydia! 

 The next graduation cake is two pictures of the same cake. This was the cake for the open house of a young man graduating from Holland Christian in 2010. The class had referred to themselves as "Class X." He was glad to have the roman numeral X on all four sides of his cake. This cake features his school logo and a chocolate graduation cap. 
Congratulations Matt!

 The above and below pictured cakes were made for a joint party celebrating graduates from Hamilton High School, Zeeland West High School, and Holland Christian High School. The above cake features the school logos, while the cake below features chocolate lettering alternating the schools' colors. 

Above: Hamilton High School logo using a frozen buttercream transfer.
 Above: Zeeland West High School logo using a frozen buttercream transfer.
 Above: Holland Christian High School logo using a frozen buttercream transfer.
 The above cake was for a graduation party for a graduate of Forest Hills Northern. As do previous cakes his cake and the cake below feature the school logo and a chocolate graduation cap.
Congratulations Aaron!
 The cake below was for a graduate of Forest Hills Eastern High School. 
Congratulations Paul!
In the future years I hope that many more graduates will give me the honor of creating their graduation party cake also.

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